Heading towards the journey to Masjid Al Nabawi is an achievement in itself for you. This is because of the reason that only few got a chance to embark upon the sacred trip towards the holy land of Madinah for the purpose of performing equally religious and auspicious act of Hajj of Umrah.
Taking this in regard several reliable travel agents do offer varied range of Umrah economical packages, Umrah plus packages, Hajj packages and many more to attract the attention of Muslim travellers to fulfil their long-lasting wish of performing the holy act.
If you have received this golden opportunity or like to grab a fine and pocket-friendly package deal for Hajj or Umrah, finding hotels near the Masjid Al Nabawi is really a necessary requirement to fulfil the purpose of such religious travel.
This in fact a genuine truth that many pilgrims fall prey to hotel that are away from the holy mosque and consume most of their time in traveling instead of being at the sacred monument of mosque.
Especially for this reason, we bring you a list of few hotels near the Masjid Al Nabawi that should be considered at first and must include your favourable package deal.
The hotels are as follows:
And many more
The most common thing about all such lodgings of Madinah is the strategic location which is actually walking distance away from the holy mosque. On top of that, all the hotels are pretty luxurious in every single sense in terms of facilities, space, décor, food, hospitality and overall ambience inside.